The List

Inspired by Lauren’s list (that is already putting me to shame considering how much of it she has already accomplished), I decided to try my hand at it and draft (draft being an important word here seeing that some of these might change along the way!) my own selection of what I would like to do in the next 7 years (starting late, so bear with me)! I have compiled these things into five categories, some of which are much busier than others, that hopefully capture the essence of the items: Activities (had to make it vague!), Visits, Travel, Learning, and Others.


1. Ride a snowmobile

Since playing Sled Storm back in the days on PlayStation, I have always wanted to try riding a snowmobile myself! I’m not saying I’m going to attempt any crazy stunt (or kill any rabbit on my way, people who’ve played the game will understand), but it looks incredibly fun!

2. Dog sled

Similarly to riding a snowmobile, dog sledding sort of has always appealed to me. I’m not entirely sure how or why, but I know I definitely want to try and yell “Mush!” at a bunch of huskies.

3. Do drag

This is a long story, but since I was a kid, drag queens have fascinated me. Maybe it's time to try it out myself.

4. Scuba diving COMPLETED JANUARY 2020 (for the certification, but we'll keep diving!) 

Lauren and I are getting certified soon, and we are already making plans for diving vacations in various places (Galapagos, St Croix, etc.)!

5. Drive/ride in a sportscar on a track

I’ve never really been a fan of motorsport, but I’ve played a lot of racing video games. Experiencing it by myself sounds like the next step.

6. Experience zero gravity

I’m probably never going to go to space (unless Elon Musk decides to hurry up and make it affordable in my lifetime), but this is still doable, and sounds amazing!

7. Go indoor skydiving

I’m not sure I’m ready to actually skydive, so this could be an introduction to it.

8. Play at least seven rounds of golf in the next seven years (0.5/7 completed!)

I’ve only played once (twice if you count footgolf), and really liked it!

9. Try flag football

I’ve never tried it, but it looks interesting!

10. Be able to touch my toes COMPLETED MAY 2019

I’ve never been flexible, and not only this could benefit my health in general, it could also help with a number of other goals.

11. Fly in a helicopter

Pretty self explanatory: it looks super cool! Goal cancelled since January 26, 2020...

12. Try fencing COMPLETED IN 2019 (can't remember exactly when)

I almost did it a few years ago, and finally went back to tennis instead (pretty unrelated but that’s still what happened). It looks awesome and as a Frenchman, I need to experience it!

13. Bike with Lauren

Lauren isn’t a fan of biking. I honestly am not either, but there are so many nice and safe trails all around Arlington that I think it could be awesome. That could require a lot of convincing though!

14. Go sand boarding

Another pretty self explanatory one: it looks super fun!

15. Go snowboarding

See: Go sand boarding!

16. Make a (more complete and developed) board game

I love making games, but all the ones I’ve made so far were not very complex and borrowed from other games. I want to make one that is my own.

17. Hang out with meerkats

They’re my spirit animal. I need to go back to my roots!

18. Trek with gorillas

How some people aren’t fascinated by gorillas, I will never understand. But I am. So I want to see them in their natural habitat!

19. Read seven books I (probably) wouldn't usually have read  In Progress

I usually tend to stick to my favorite genres, so I want to try more diverse styles, authors, and read more non-fiction. Recommendations are very welcome!

20. Get a tattoo

I've been talking about doing this for a long time, but I never got around to it. I've always been wary of the pain, and could never settle on a location or design. Hopefully I don't chicken out!


21. Go to the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame

It’s every basketball fan’s pilgrimage. I already visited the women’s basketball hall of fame in Knoxville, time to visit the big brother!

22. Go back to Staples Center

I’ve only been once. Since then, the Lakers have added statues of Chick Hearn, Shaq, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, and Jerry West (and most likely soon Kobe). GOT. TO. GO. BACK!

23. Visit the DC area Mormon Temple

This one might actually be the most difficult item on the list. You technically cannot visit it without being a Mormon. I have no intention of becoming a Mormon. Time to think of a way.

24. Meet Shaq

My hero. ‘Nuff said. 


25. Learn basic sewing (for instance, attaching a button) In Progress

I am very much not handy, and I always have to ask Lauren when I have issues with my shirts (which is, to be fair, not that often). Hopefully I can at least start taking care of buttons myself!

26. Do a kip up

They look cool in movies. I want to look cool too.

27. Do a backflip

This terrifies Lauren. But it also looks super cool! I probably have enough ups for it, I just need to build my confidence.

28. Learn some ASL COMPLETED (somewhat)

I worked on this for a while last year. I learned fingerspelling and some basics ASL. Nothing that would take me far, but probably enough to say I learned some. Yay, first goal met!

29. Do a kickflip

Who has played Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater and never wished they could do the same? Well I won’t be able to do a 900, but at least I want to be able to kickflip!

30. Learn to appreciate nice things

I tend to have a hard time enjoying expensive things - for instance, sneakers. I want to become more comfortable buying and wearing cool sneakers I love.

31. Get better at volleyball and tennis  In Progress

This is an always ongoing goal. I've grown to love these so much, and I want to become as good as I can be!

32. Draw one thing I can be proud of

I am terrible at it. But, really terrible. Well I want to become at least less terrible, and be able to draw one cool picture. I read a lot of mangas, and of course that's the style I'm most attracted to. I think I want to draw a character in a fighting pose. Which does not seem easy. So we'll see!

BONUS GOAL. Learn Japanese calligraphy  In Progress


33. Go to Evo

I've always loved fighting games, and Evo is as close to the fighting games world championship as it gets (until video games become an Olympic sport I guess!). Hopefully I can find someone else who's interested to go as well!

34. In Japan: attend a sumo competition, go to Kôzu, stay at a capsule hotel  In Progress (Sumo competition attended in Fukuoka)

Lauren has designed an amazing draft itinerary for our trip, and it looks like we’ll be able to include attending a sumo competition, and maybe even a quick side trip to Kôzu to visit the beach where the characters of “I’ll” have their barbecue and fireworks! Not sure about the capsule hotel though.

35. Visit Alaska

Beautiful landscapes. Whales. What else do you need?

36. Visit the Panama Canal

A marvel of engineering that I would like to witness with my own eyes. Maybe via a cruise?

37. See more of Asia

We’ve only been to India so far, and are going to Japan at the end of the year, but there’s so much more to visit there! It also could be nice to combine these trips with scuba’dventures!

38. Take a trip in the US desert

I’ve always been fascinated by the desert and the roads that cross it for thousands of miles. After reading “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas”, I knew I had to go there and experience it first hand. Minus the drugs.


39. Become a citizen COMPLETED

Woot woot, DONE! *cue star-spangled banner and eagle screech*

40. Talk to my mom about my dad/learn more about my dad

I’ve been wanting to do it for some time. I just need to build up the courage.

I realize this may be a lot, but hopefully I can manage my way around most of it, if not all! And in the contrary, I’ll still have time to keep going!


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