31. Get better at volleyball and tennis

This goal will never really be completed and will probably remain ongoing forever, since I can always improve! But I'll try to post updates when I feel like I've learned something new, or mastered something I had been working on.

And since tennis season hasn't started yet, let's begin with volleyball!

I never actually played volleyball until 2013. I may have tried it in PE a couple of times, but I've never received proper training (like I have for basketball and tennis). I started playing in 2013 after being disappointed with basketball leagues, and wanting to find a sport where teamwork would be emphasized and basically mandatory to play well and win. I joined a league, played during multiple seasons, and had a lot of fun, but the team of which I was a part somehow broke up, and I ended up stopping sometime in... 2015? 2016? Anyways.

I subsequently dove into tennis (more on that when the weather gets warmer!) when we moved to our new place located next to many public courts, and didn't resume playing volleyball until this winter. I couldn't play tennis and was really missing the exercise, but I didn't want to try another league. I found some Meetups that play at a nearby community center, and gave volleyball another go.

And I obviously fell in love with volleyball again! I've enjoyed the level of competition (not too low that I'm not challenged, not too high that I'm not overwhelmed), the camaraderie, and the experience of learning new things.

As I said, I never properly trained in volleyball, and although a number of skills (some footwork, hand-eye coordination, body control, some arm motions) transfer relatively well from tennis and basketball, I was not really good, and I wanted (and still want) to get better. So I've been obsessing a little bit about it: I've been reading a lot of articles and watching many videos about positioning, strategy, and technique. And I think it shows now: whereas I'm not where I would like to be, I am definitely better than I've ever been, and I'm having so much fun on the court!

And yesterday's Meetup was the perfect example of that! We got to play for almost three hours straight, used formal strategies, and it resulted in such an awesome night of volleyball! Yesterday was also pictures night (as in: someone had brought their camera to take pictures so we can see and improve our form), and I was lucky enough to be featured in a few awesome photos! As I was explaining to Lauren earlier, seeing the pictures brought up the  distinct feeling of hitting a perfect set. Everything feels like it aligned for you, your timing is on point, you make great contact with the ball, and get a sharp snap of the wrist to send it down into the opponents' court. The actual feelings are almost indescribable. You know it's going to be a great hit as soon as the ball leaves the setter's hands,and the feeling lasts from that moment, until you land after the spike. I don't think I've ever felt something like that with basketball.

Anyways, yeah, volleyball is cool. :) 


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