
Showing posts from March, 2019

31. Get better at volleyball and tennis

This goal will never really be completed and will probably remain ongoing forever, since I can always improve! But I'll try to post updates when I feel like I've learned something new, or mastered something I had been working on. And since tennis season hasn't started yet, let's begin with volleyball! I never actually played volleyball until 2013. I may have tried it in PE a couple of times, but I've never received proper training (like I have for basketball and tennis). I started playing in 2013 after being disappointed with basketball leagues, and wanting to find a sport where teamwork would be emphasized and basically mandatory to play well and win. I joined a league, played during multiple seasons, and had a lot of fun, but the team of which I was a part somehow broke up, and I ended up stopping sometime in... 2015? 2016? Anyways. I subsequently dove into tennis (more on that when the weather gets warmer!) when we moved to our new place located next to many

The List

Inspired by Lauren’s list (that is already putting me to shame considering how much of it she has already accomplished), I decided to try my hand at it and draft (draft being an important word here seeing that some of these might change along the way!) my own selection of what I would like to do in the next 7 years (starting late, so bear with me)! I have compiled these things into five categories, some of which are much busier than others, that hopefully capture the essence of the items: Activities (had to make it vague!), Visits, Travel, Learning, and Others. ACTIVITIES 1. Ride a snowmobile Since playing Sled Storm back in the days on PlayStation, I have always wanted to try riding a snowmobile myself! I’m not saying I’m going to attempt any crazy stunt (or kill any rabbit on my way, people who’ve played the game will understand), but it looks incredibly fun! 2. Dog sled Similarly to riding a snowmobile, dog sledding sort of has always appealed to me. I’m not entirely sure how